

Our Bus:


- There are buses available for specific areas.

- The house location must be given to the nursery few days before school starts.

- There is a supervisor available with the children on the bus.

- The bus fees must be paid annually or monthly

- We fulfill the safety and  security regulations of the bus with having seat belts and car seats in the bus.

- The attendance of children is checked regularly and in case any of the children is not going by bus, the parents must inform the administration and not the buss supervisor.


Private drop and pick-up:

- The child must be dropped and picked up by the parents, and the phone numbers of the parents must be provided.

- In case the driver or the nanny are going to pickup the child, the parents must provide the name and picture of the nanny or driver.

- In case there's a change in who's picking up the child like a relative or family friend the centre must be informed and must have the picture and number of that person. In addition, the centre is not allowed to let the child leave with anyone without being informed beforehand.




 The school uniform is made out of cotton, it is comfortable and practical it helps the children move easily.


  • A white polo shirt and navy pants for boys.


  • A white polo shirt and navy dress for girls.


Our school aims to provide the safest environment for your children and let them feel like " at home".
1) Safety and First Aid:

Your children are like ours, and different measures are implemented to ensure safety of everybody:
Daily risk assessment is carried out, indoors and outdoors, and any safety deficit is reported to the Administration for proper management.
We have a dedicated outdoor play area for our youngest children in Nursery class, with age appropriate toys, while other classes play in a separate place, class after class.This means that the children can enjoy a wide space, with freedom of movements ,while allowing social interaction with their classmates in a different context. The school Nurse participates in supervision during play time, so any situation can be attended promptly if necessary.
We try to instill in our students basic rules linked to safety:  like no running except in our garden during break, handling rails on the stairs, taking turns, respect others like themselves (no biting ,pushing, hurting, mocking others etc..). 
All, our staff works to minimize hazardous situation, but school is a lively place and incidents may happen. Shall any incident/illness arise, the Nurse attends to the child and takes him to the School Clinic.
Details of incident/illness are reported in the school accident book and/ or the child Health records.
Parents are notified either at pick up time for minor situation or immediately by phone if  their child  is found unfit for School by the Nurse or Doctor, or if the child requires urgent treatment. In case of emergency an ambulance may be called to transfer the child to a hospital while every attempt will be made to inform them.

2) Health screening:

Routine health assessments are conducted by our School Doctor, who visits once a  week. Parents are notified of abnormal findings or needs of referral by the Nurse.

3) Medication Policy:
Our school  has a strict medication policy, only medication allowed by our school Doctor can be administered , or special
 cases where a medical prescription and a written request by the parents shall be considered ( asthmatic, diabetic students..)

4) Vaccinations:

We do not provide immunization at school but our nurse will send reminders to parents for boosters.

5) Healthy living:
Healthy snacks are necessary to allow the child to maintain good concentration, feels energetic all day long. Our school is offering breakfast and snacks for Nursery and Pre K classes, and snacks for KG1 and KG2 classes.
We kindly request parents not to send chips, chocolate biscuits, sugary drinks. Parents are welcome to provide their own lunch box if they wish to do so, or if their child has a special dietary requirement (food allergy, intolerance..).
Please note that our school is nut free, which means we do not serve tree nuts (walnuts, peanuts, pistachios  etc..) and ask the parents not to send any at school as well. If your child have any allergy, kindly inform the Nurse and Teacher so we can take appropriate measures.
 Along with good practices reinforced by all staff, we do believe in educating the children about how to promote their Health.
Children are introduced to the importance of personal hygiene (hand washing), Oral hygiene and healthy food. Health educational activities are conducted by the Nurse and by the Teacher at different times of the year.
Last, we kindly request the parents to care about personal grooming of the child before sending him/her to school.
Clothes, shoes should be clean. Please supply a clean set of clothes available in the school bag.
The Nurse will check routinely the kid s hair for prevention of head lice and nails for hygiene and safety purposes.
We appreciate all your collaboration and support in this unique journey of your child at our School.